GEMI - Grassroots EmpowerMent Inc.
GEMI stands for Grassroots EmpowerMent Inc.
Here you will find, what does GEMI stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Grassroots EmpowerMent Inc.? Grassroots EmpowerMent Inc. can be abbreviated as GEMI What does GEMI stand for? GEMI stands for Grassroots EmpowerMent Inc.. What does Grassroots EmpowerMent Inc. mean?Grassroots EmpowerMent Inc. is an expansion of GEMI
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Alternative definitions of GEMI
View 3 other definitions of GEMI on the main acronym page
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- GVP Genesis Volunteer Program
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- GMF Grameen Mendoza Foundation
- GLHEMA Groupo Latinoamericano de Hemaferesis
- GRUDE Grupo De Defesa Ecologica
- GEGE Grupo de Evangelizacao Gotas de Esperanca
- GTA Grupo de Trabalho Amazonico
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- GF Gandhiji Foundation
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